GHD Foundation partners with future STEMpreneurs
The GHD Foundation committed to more investment in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) across the globe by partnering with Tech Girls Movement Foundation. This partnership will enable a regional roadshow that mobilises their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program to girls in school across the East Coast of Australia allowing access to those who would not have otherwise been able to participate.
The Tech Girls Movement Foundation campaigns for a future where more women will lead and innovate across STEM fields, thus empowering themselves, and bringing broader social and economic benefits. Tech Girls programs strive for efficacy by engaging girls in STEM during the formative stages of their education (ages 7-17) through the enablement of STEM skills such as coding and robotics.
The regional roadshow employ design thinking by directing students to solve problems that are important to them by building an app. Students are encouraged to think globally and to align their solutions with one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. With a goal of exposing girls to STEM and entrepreneurship qualities the program also encourages them to be curious and build confidence in these fields.
“The program addresses the lack of women in STEM careers by providing hands on experience. United Nations have reported that girls are being left behind in digital literacy. The GHD Foundation is excited to be joining forces with an organisation with a shared commitment to opening STEM careers to more people,” said Jo Metcalfe, Managing Director of GHD Foundation.
Diversity, inclusion, and equity are critical to project design. Tech Girls Movement Foundation has adopted the research that tells us there are five things we can do to engage girls in STEM.
#1 Is to encourage autonomy by providing leadership opportunities
#2 Is about the ethos and creating a positive, growth mindset
#3 Is to provide involvement through hands-on engagement
#4 Is about otherness and communicating the importance of diversity in design
#5 Is about usness and computing with a purpose.
“The Tech Girls Movement Foundation is excited to work with GHD on our STEMprenership program to reach more Australian schoolgirls. Opportunities like this enable us to reach schools and communities that may otherwise miss out on hands-on STEM programs,” says Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen OAM.